Practical Option Tactics Course
Practical Option Tactics is the most powerful stock, index, and option learning experience available anywhere—period. This extensive program has two powerful components to it where each dovetails perfectly with the other.
Under the nom de plume of J. L. Lord, our lead instructor spent over 10 years on the Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Board of Exchange and Chicago Mercantile Exchange trading floor. As a retired floor trader, he has spent the last 15 years teaching stock, futures and options strategies helping investors like you short-cut the learning curve to build a profitable portfolio with optimized risk.
Wednesday Night Class
(Every Wednesday, 7:00PM EST)
StratagemTrade conducts a 90 – 120 minute online class where Scott (a.k.a J.L. Lord pen name) teaches a new subject and reviews current paper trades. This class alone is worth the investment, but we also record the sessions to watch at your convenience (and as often as you like for 6 months). But this is just the half of it.
Updates on Existing Paper Trade Positions
When the market is open, we send out updates via emails and the Slack App about what is happening with our existing paper trade positions as part of the learning experience. We talk about the winners almost as much as the losers, and learn valuable lessons from both. Then when opportunities arise we enter into new examples designed to maximize the class and shorten everyone’s learning curve.
Over the years, Scott has averaged about 225 trading examples ranging from: Risk Reversals, Condors, Gamma Scalping, Short Premium (reverse gamma scalping), Billy Baroo's, and more, to other topics taught in this course titled as: Spiked Collars, ViPars™, Advanced Risk Reversals, Broken Wing Butterflies (BWBs), etc. There is literally something for everyone. Combine the Wednesday Night Class with the Updates and you will see why we are an industry leader.
Free 30-day Trial Period
Stratagem Trading offers a 30-day free trial period for new students. Students receive daily POT updates via email and Slack App, access to the Wednesday evening online class, and the class recordings of the two most recent POT classes. Contact our office (at [email protected]) to sign up.
POT Examples Categories
Examples shown in the Practical Option Tactics are broken down into one of three categories:
POT (Traditional): This is the same type of examples people have come to love over the years and will be about 60% of examples. They are teaching tools that balance risk-reward while showing new techniques and strategies. This is the quintessential way to learn option trading techniques under every possible market condition.
Monthly Subscription
Biannual Subscription

LiTE (Long-intermediate Term Examples): These are exactly what the name implies—examples that are slower moving and for part-time trading situations. Some people just can't watch the markets for more than a few minutes a day, and the LiTE trade examples are the perfect learning tool. We expect about 30 – 35% of the examples to fall into this category.
FAST (Power Trading / Day Trading): These are short term examples like “legs” and “scalps.” There are times when one can expect a rapid moving market and he wants to have as much gamma and firepower possible. There is nothing like the feel of having a 20-delta option go to 100 deltas in a matter of a day, and also being on the right side of the trade. This is the BUZZ. Much like gold prospectors of the 1800s setting their wagon heading to California, this is what many professional market-makers, day traders, etc. search for. This is not everyone's cup-of-tea, and because we strive for only the best of conditions to enter one, we expect to do roughly about 15 (about 5 – 10%) examples a year.
POT Recordings Policy
All POT classes are recorded and archived, along with their accompanying slides in a PDF format. Stratagem gives the full class some time to pass, and then edits the class recording for a cleaner and more concise version. Roughly half of the original class discussion pertains to current paper trade positions and current events affecting the markets (elections, Brexit, etc.), which eventually ceases to be relevant over time. When we deem that these things are no longer applicable to market conditions, the material is edited out leaving only the meat of the class.
Doing this allows us to create a library of topics in volumes. For example, a recent six-part series on the Rolling Thunder Hedge had been edited to focus on the topic. When going through the recordings for Parts 1 to 6, the only material left will be about this ultimate hedging technique. You won’t have to listen, for example, to the discussion about the government shutdown two years ago and its effects on the markets.
POT Subscriber
If you are a subscriber to POT classes, you are entitled to review the recording of all classes conducted during the time of your subscription. Access to POT class recordings is available for six months from the date of the class.
Non-POT Subscriber
These encyclopedia-like volumes (of past recordings) are in the process of being added to a video library on our website for purchase at a reasonable rate.
Free Trial Period
Stratagem Trading offers a 30-day free trial period for new students or students who have not been on a free trial period for the preceding 12 consecutive months. We may offer a free trial period in partnership with other organizations but this policy still applies.
Effective May 1, 2023, free trial period is not available during a Theme Month and the week prior to it.
Student will receive daily POT updates via email, real-time messaging via Slack, access to the Wednesday evening online class, and the class recordings of the two most recent POT classes. Contact our office at [email protected] to sign up.
Occasional Bonuses
New POT students under full subscription are allowed access to three past POT class recordings during their subscription period to help them catch up on a current topic. We are unable to give unlimited free access to our library of past POT recordings in fairness to other paying students.
Exception: There are times during the pre-sale of a new text that we may offer to provide applicable POT recordings of past classes about the book topic while students are waiting for their copies. We provide these bonuses to help augment the student’s understanding of the subject matter, as well as cement our relationship with our students. We want you to know that we are as dedicated to your success as you are; no short cuts, no quick buck.
StratagemTrade believes in the integrity of this industry and our dedication to the student’s success. Unlike many trading education firms that simply look at students as a source of income stream, capturing every penny of sales is NOT our philosophy. Stratagem acquires students by attraction and quality of material, not simply promotion.
Previous Recordings Purchase
Non-POT Students: Past POT classes are available for a nominal cost of $98 for each individual POT class recording. This will include the recording and slides for that session.
Current POT Students (free trial not included): Unless otherwise indicated as free, current POT students can avail of past POT class recordings for $57. The nominal charge applies to classes held outside the student's subscription period. If looking for a subject bundle (ie, BWB's, Theme Month, etc.) of several classes, please contact the office for POSSIBLE special pricing. Access to the recording is limited to 6 months from time of purchase, and extensions may be given on a per-case basis.
From DB of FL: Thank you for teaching me this stuff. You should feel so proud right now, because a year ago, I had no idea what "spread off" meant. And I couldn't even tell you what a condor or butterfly is useful for, much less how to trade it.
I wanted to send you this to show you that I'm actually trying this out on my own with real money in my own account with my own style. New people should know it may take 18-24 months before they understand how you teach, how you trade and then adapt these learnings for their own. It's not a "copy trade" system. You are teaching complex mechanics. It is 3D chess/PhD level trading. It took me time to understand this. New people thinking they are signing up to follow trades and just print money are going to fail or be frustrated.
Keep doing what you are doing knowing we "GET IT" and are learning. I'm slowly getting better. I can't wait to kill 2024. Next step...will be to build consistency then size up a bit more 🙂
From SH of NH: I have learned a tremendous amount from you and appreciate all that you do.
From FV of PA: My trading has really turned a corner studying with you guys and I appreciate you working with me.